Our services covers the creation and
development of large scale events such as
conferences, seminars, festivals, ceremonies,
formal parties, concerts, exhibitions,
competition, or conventions.
It involves knowing the brand, identifying
target audience, creating the event concept,
and coordinating the technical aspects before
actually launching the event.
Revents.id provides a bright team who can
conduct and manage the client’s event
smoothly. After making sure that the event
checklist preparation has been done,
Revents.id team will take control over the
site. The experienced team will deliver the
event plans that have been approved by the
Publication of your event is a very important
part of developing an event project. We help
you to publish your event by channeling to
our connection in press , such as television,
radio, newspaper, and social media.
Moreover, we also help you to produce
conventional material for event such as flyer,
brochure, merchandise, and etc.
Revents.id have endless and distinctive ideas
to deliver creative content, design, décor, and
publication. We are responsible for enhancing
the theme of the events.
Our creative team
transforms your message into something
spectacular with a reflection of client’s style
and theme while keeping the budget in mind.